Stuff I Like to Share
If you’d like to know more about a particular topic, send me an email and I’ll write about it.

Setting Boundaries: 20 Steps to Changing Your life
If you work for yourself, you have clients. So, what are your thoughts on setting boundaries? Now, clients are human, usually, and so they have

What is a Small Business Marketing Plan?
Do You Have a Small Business Marketing Plan? You should! Every business should have one, small or large and it doesn’t have to be super

Top 4 Tips and Tricks for Small Business Organization
Owning a business can be stressful. There is so much to do, so much to learn, that it can be easy to start to drown

Small Business Planning
SNOW DAY! It is snowing like crazy here today. Most of the school districts are closed and I’m sitting here looking at the snowflakes falling.

#1 Reason You Need Website Maintenance
Your business website is up and running! Website maintenance is the furthest thing from your mind as you bask in the glow of your pretty

SEO – Home Page SEO Strategy
For the current home page, we have zero static content. Our new home page SEO strategy will include focusing on a few similar keywords that

SEO – Check website ranking by keyword
When starting any new SEO strategy, always check website ranking by keyword before starting. You may have some ‘accidental’ positions that are helping your website

WordPress Design & Usability
WordPress themes are designed to make web pages look good and appealing. While Web Designers In Washington prefer WordPress, Themes should not be used as

What is ConvertKit used for? Can it work with Instagram?
ConvertKit is a program that allows you to capture leads via forms or landing pages. You can then send emails to those leads (contacts) telling them about all of the awesome stuff you are doing/selling/making/thinking about doing. Remember list building? ConvertKit is used for that.

Do I Need GDPR for my Website?
I hear this question a lot, “do I need GDPR for my website?” The answer is probably yes… What is the EU GDPR? The European